
Can You Paint Roof Shingles? Things to Consider

Painting the roofing shingles seems to be beneficial in two aspects. Firstly, paint can protect the shingles from damage due to moisture, sun exposure, etc. Secondly, painting also makes the roof more attractive, and you can add colors to the roof to elevate the building exterior’s appearance. So, can you paint roof shingles? The answer is yes, though you need to consider multiple factors. The following section of this article discusses the things that you need to consider when painting roofing shingles.

Types of Roofs That You Can Paint

Painting the roof depends on the roofing material. You can find multiple types of roofing materials, though paints are not applicable to all those roofing materials. Primarily, you can add colors to the metal roofing materials. However, nowadays, you can find paint for asphalt and concrete roofing materials.

So, these are the three types of roofs that you can consider painting to prevent damage to them. Painting can have a significant impact on the roof’s durability. Moreover, painting prevents damage to the roofing singles due to moisture and UV light.

Asphalt Paint: The Limitations

Asphalt shingles are a popular choice as roofing material since they are easy to install. Moreover, the cost of installation for such shingles is low. Asphalt shingles are long-lasting too due to their breathable nature. Applying paint on the asphalt shingles will reduce the breathability to a large extent. As a result, Asphalt shingles quickly become chipped or faded. Therefore, painting can be a bad idea for the newly installed asphalt roofing shingles.

When Is Asphalt Paint Suitable?

The paint makes the roofing surface smooth. As a result, light coming from the sun reflects from the roof. Adding paint to the roof can keep your home interior cool. It further prevents the roof from weather damage, especially during rainy or stormy seasons. The paint will prevent moisture damage to the roofing shingles.

However, choosing the right painting is essential in this regard. Make sure that you choose roofing paint that does not harm the breathability of the roofing shingles. Moreover, painting has to be done with precision, and you need a professional painting expert for a seamless service.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Roof Painting

Painting roofing shingles is a step-by-step procedure which should be done with precision. Typically, a professional service provider follows the steps described below.

  • Step 1: The first step is cleaning the shingles. You may find algae and moss formation around the roofing shingles. Cleaning them perfectly ensures that the paint will catch them perfectly.
  • Step 2: Roof damage repair is another crucial aspect, which has to be done by a roofing professional. You need to find a professional for roof inspection before the repair.
  • Step 3: Apply primer, which is the next step in painting the asphalt roofing shingles. The primary paint ensures that the final paint catches the surface perfectly and lasts for a long time.
  • Step 4: The last step is applying paint using a sprayer for an even roofing coverage. Depending on requirements, you may choose single or double-coating paint.

Bottom Line

So, these are the things to know when someone asks can you paint roof shingles? Choosing the right paint is important while pickling an expert in roofing shingle painting is equally important. Is your home’s roof shingles ready for paint? Schedule a roofing inspection by experts at Skyline Exteriors. The experts will check the shingles’ conditions and recommend painting accordingly.