
Know the Pros and Cons of Metal Roof Before Hiring a Contractor

Choosing the right roofing material is crucial for the homeowners since a strong roof ensures safety for the house. At the same time, picking the right roofing material is important to avoid frequent roofing repairs. You can find multiple roofing options nowadays with professional roofing contractors. Among various options, metal roofing is a common choice for many homeowners. So, what makes the metal roofs so convenient? What are the potential drawbacks of such a roofing system? Continue reading as the following section discusses the answers to these questions in detail.

A. The Benefits of Metal Roofs

Metal roofs are beneficial for many reasons, and that is why this roofing system is preferred by people across the world. You need professional and reliable metal roof contractors to develop a long-lasting metal roof.

1. An Excellent Durability

The most crucial aspect of a roofing system is the durability. Picking a durable roofing system is essential to reduce the expenses due to roof repair. Ideally, a metal roof can last for 50-70 years if installed correctly. On the other hand, traditional asphalt roofing can last for a maximum of 20 years.

2. Top-Class Safety

Metal roofs bring amazing safety since they can withstand strong winds. If you live in a region where storms occur frequently, you can embrace metal roofing for your house. Another good thing is metal roofs are crack and impact-resistant.

3. Remains Unaffected When Lightning Strikes

Lightning strikes are a major concern for the metal roofs. This is a common perception, though the reality differs a lot from this perception. If you live in a region where rains happen frequently with lightning strikes, you can trust metal roofing since it remains unaffected by thunder and lightning strikes.

4. Environment-Friendly Roofing Solution

The metal roofing has been considered an environment-friendly roofing solution. Typically, the metal roof installation includes usage of 25-90% of recycled content. Moreover, metal roofs do not release any tiny particles, which can cause air pollution.

5. Various Design Options Available

Metal sheets can be shaped according to your preferences. Therefore, you can get different types of designs with the metal sheets. The availability of multiple designs brings convenience to homeowners who want to make their roofs appear beautiful.

B. Limitations of Metal Roofs

Keeping the benefits aside, you will notice a few limitations of the metal roofs. Find those drawbacks or limitations of metal roofing systems in the following section.

1. Expensive

Metal roofs are expensive depending on the roofing materials. Typically, metal roofs are two to three times more expensive than the traditional roofs. Moreover, the repair cost of metal roofs is high, though such roofing systems do not require frequent repairs.

2. Noisiness

One of the major drawbacks of the metal roofs is the noisiness. Anything that falls on the roof will make a thick or sharp noise. Moreover, the roof makes noise when a strong wind blows around. The roof also makes noise during heavy rains and hailstorms.

3. Unavailability of Different Colors

Metal roofs typically come in raw metal colors. However, there are options to paint such roofs. Most paints do not last more than 3-4 years. If you want a more durable coating, you need to invest in nano-coating paint, which is expensive.

Final Words

So, these are the pros and cons of the metal roofing for the residential and commercial places. You should consult skilled and experienced roofing and siding contractors. Skyline Exteriors is a leading roofing and siding contractor that offers affordable and high-quality roof installation and repair solutions. Contact us to discuss the most suitable roofing type for your residential or commercial building.